Saturday, March 27, 2010

DIY: Zebra-Print Shoes

*  Plain canvas shoes
*  Fabric pencil
*  Fabric paint - white, optional: black
*  Stiff craft brush (wouldn't want to ruin a fancy art brush!)
*  Blunt-ended toothpick

Step 1: 
*  Using a fabric pencil, lightly mark placement of white stripes.  You can cover the whole shoe in zebra print, or you can do patches, whatever your design preference may be.  I chose to block-in only the middle of the shoe.
*  Don't worry about darkening your lines; you should be rubbing away each stripe before painting over it anyways, because the powder from the pencil interferes with paint adherence. 

Step 2: 
*  Start painting in the stripes with fabric paint!  Again, this is just design preference, I chose to mix the white + black into a very light gray.  You can make your stripes plain white, or go wild with a different color!
*  This is where the blunt-ended toothpick becomes your best friend.  Even with a stiff brush held perpendicular to the fabric to 'beat'  in the paint, the color does not pop enough, and the resulting lines are not clean.  Use the brush to paint in the general silhouette (see stripes on the right side of the above picture), and then using the blunt-end of a toothpick to fill in the details (see the 3 darker stripes on the left of the picture).
*  Allow irregularity, otherwise your lines will just end up looking like chevron stripes.  =/

*  Do the inner side of each shoe first, so that your 1st attempts at painting on canvas material are in a more inconspicuous place, and let dry.  Then, paint the outer side of each shoe.

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