Going to be gone for a while, hitting the books, and then, Playing! Also, a mini project is in the works. But it wouldn't be nice to tease you when this is all I'm going to say about the matter, so leaving it at this.
--- Mini update: ---
Basked in the sunshine this afternoon, as it was a perfect day. I am more of a rainy/cool-day person, but today there was a slight breeze going, and sunshine tingling on the skin. Ended up staying out for an hour,
soaking up that warmth & vitamin D while reading the most hilarious book ever.
All to thumping music from an event in the distance... so perfect. Not usually one for cheesy sentiments but who cares - feeling all inner-peace-y, mellow, and floaty-but-grounded.
Good vibes to last 'til the next de-stress.